Don’t Forget Our Children
139th BDS – 9/5/2024
Scripture Reference: Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15-17, Matthew 19:13-15
Yesterday there was another tragedy at yet another school that rocked a small town in the state of Georgia. Many of you reading this probably heard about it or have read about it or have seen the news reporting on it. Where I live, young teens are killed or are involved in violent crimes almost every day. In the Middle East, children are given little to no chance at life by being sold into manual labor camps and are exposed to conditions most adults wouldn’t even work in. In Africa, Asia and Latin America young girls are discarded as sex objects and are drugged into a life of prostitution and sex slavery. This may not hit home to many of you that are reading this because of the protections against such horrific things happening to your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. While all of this is going on, our children are being lost in a generation who has not taught them nor have taken the time to teach them about our GOD Who sent His only begotten Son JESUS to die for their sins that they may have a chance at salvation and life eternal in His Kingdom.
“And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them.”
Mark 10:13 KJV
We may receive ridicule from the World around us for teaching our children the way that they should go by introducing them to a GOD Who already knows how their lives will end. The responsibility for bringing them to Him is that of every parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, and anyone who can serve as a tool to be used by GOD to ensure that our children have a fighting chance in life through a relationship with JESUS CHRIST.
“But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16 KJV
Yes, JESUS IS CALLING even our smallest children to Him as the time grows near for His return. Nothing should hold us back that have the ability to do so, to lead, guide and teach our children (and not just those in our households and family bloodlines) the Word of GOD every chance that we get. Even we as adults learn from the Scripture that we must come to GOD like the Heavenly Father that He is through His Son JESUS CHRIST with all humility and child like innocence of obedience if we expect to go back with Him when He comes.(Mark 10:15)
“And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.”
Matthew 19:15 KJV
GOD has His Hands on our children’s lives just as He has His Hands on our lives as He does not regard any one greater than the other and He wishes that none of us leaves this life without fully knowing Him first.
Final Thought: Understanding that life as fragile as it is, is also short. Add to that the fact there is a spiritual enemy who is busy working overtime to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) whomever He can swallow up (1 Peter 5:8) and our children are the number one targets. Our children are the future of the BODY OF CHRIST that will carry His Word into the next generation and those to come, teaching them His Plan of Salvation and ways of righteous living.. it’s already promised to them. (Acts 2:39) We cannot afford to forget our children and the promise of an eternal future for them in and through JESUS CHRIST! So let them know that we are fighting for each and every one of them because their soul’s depend on it!!